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India Mars project leader, said the successful launch of the navigation system prayer challengeBEIJING, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) According to foreign reports, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will be local time at 14:38 on November 5th launch of the country's first Mars probe ring. The head of the organization that morning in a Hindu temple to pray the successful launch date, the successful implementation of Mars missions, only the United States, Russia and the European Union. If the success of the launch in India, will become Asia's first master 席拉达克里什 South ISRO said the project is the biggest challenge lies in accurate navigation spacecraft to Mars line He also said that Mars probe launch site located in eastern India Coast 斯里赫里戈 of island (Shriharikota), then ISRO will carry live coverage of its website on the purpose of the exploration of Mars, 拉达克里什 South had said, mainly to showcase Indian launch to Mars orbit carrying ability and hope to effectively conduct a series of scientific research, including the determination of the critical velocity to escape the Martian atmosphere, proved the existence of methane, with or without signs of life.