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India successfully launched an unmanned probe Mars once again demonstrated the great power ambitionsInternational online news: According to Xinhua News Agency Xinhua, the successful launch of an Indian on the 5th unmanned Mars probe, after the United States, Russia and the European Union outside the world's fourth successful launch of Mars probe space agency. Regardless of whether Mars probe launch of India finally arrived on schedule and complete the orbit of Mars exploration mission, the launch itself once again demonstrated the space power and India to become a world power ambitions vast Indian population, long history of civilization, has been eager to become a world powers. As India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru said: India is a large country either become a resounding success, or disappeared. It can be said, a large and influential country is the dream of generations of India, and India has not stopped efforts to achieve this great dream of India as early as in 1975 launched the first artificial Earth satellite; last century, India despite outside pressure, conducted several nuclear tests; 2001 successfully launched a communications satellite, squeezed into the world's few commercial satellite launches can be national ranks. In recent years, India has successfully launched and intercontinental ballistic missiles and long-range lunar probe, and is building more aircraft carriers. India in space technology and defense and military aspects of a series of plans and achievements are goals towards a powerful footprints new century, the Indian economy to maintain a high rate of growth, the emerging market countries and the BRIC countries, are 20 members of the Group. These economic success and international status adds emboldened India's big country, contributing to India's great power ambitions rich talent pool in India, as a scientific and technological power, military power and economic power has laid a solid foundation. India's IT industry in the years achieved an excellent result for India enjoy world office in the world, its aerospace, pharmaceuticals and services and other aspects of development are also impressive. The successful launch of Mars probe, more proof of India in science and technology fields, especially in space exploration has been a big step. As the Indian Space Research Organization officials said the launch Mars probe will enhance India's future participation in international cooperation in outer space mission qualification Some media said that India's population is still poor in many cases spend huge investment for space exploration is ignoring the people's livelihood and even more harm than good, this argument would be biased. Space technology and space exploration breakthrough success can not only boost the confidence of national and international status, to encourage more young people to engage in the technology business, but can also be transformed into technological productivity in the future, for the benefit of the people of India is an important neighbor of China, India in various fields every advance commendable. If we say that this launch Mars probe was Indian Dream part, then the China Dream and the Indian Dream actually have a common goal, namely national prosperity, national prosperity and people's happiness. I hope in the future and India on the road to power is not a higher low, secretly guard, but learn from each other, and common progress.