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India's first Mars probe successfully launched the space race or exacerbate5, 2009, India 斯里赫里戈 of the island, rocket carrying India's first Mars probe Manjialian was launched in India, Manjialian Mars probe was launched on the 5th, the carriage rocket into geosynchronous orbit. ISRO officials play down the competition in a region of space exploration technologies that said India is with their competition of southern India 斯里赫里戈 Island Sadishenda Wan Space Center, local time at 14:38 on the 5th, red and black white rocket soared into the sky slightly overcast Control Center, dozens of researchers glued to 350 tons heavy launch vehicle, the focus is equipped with rockets Manjialian Mars probe - golden, heavy approximately 1.35 tons, with a similar size car about 40 minutes after launch, Manjialian was separated from the rocket into geosynchronous orbit due to lack of direct flight dynamics, While this detector will run from 20 to 25 around the Earth days to savings rate, from the Earth's gravity. At this time, researchers in India's second stage test started according to plan, Manjialian number will trek 780 million kilometers toward Mars, is expected to reach Mars orbit in September next year. Mars is known for high-risk items, according 拉达克里什 South say, global 51 Mars missions in India, only 21 successful Mars exploration project budget 4.5 billion rupees (about $ 73 million), equivalent to a Boeing Dreamliner half the cost, but also much lower than similar projects in other countries, including the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration is expected to launch this month, Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution detector. After a project's budget is $ 671 million, however, many Indians still question this project that over 350 million people in India living on less than $ 1.25 a day, third of the population shortage, the government should pay more attention to people's livelihood manga Ryan was launched, too, by some European and American friends laugh. For voices of doubt, the Indian Space Research Organization maintains that space technology can help economic development projects, such as some satellite monitoring weather and water conditions, and to improve the communication conditions in remote areas ISRO main 席拉达克里什 Nan said: India Why is involved in the space program over the past 50 years there has been a problem of the past, present and future (to this question) the answer is, 'it is for the human and social problems to find solutions'. Analysts believe that for India, Manjialian Project No. If successful, the significance is that after the United States, India, Russia and the European Union after the successful execution of Mars exploration mission to become the first four entities, some analysts interpreted the Indian Mars Projects may exacerbate the region of space technology race. The Mars Exploration Program from the announcement to implement in just 15 months 拉达克里什 South dilute race, said. He said: We are already in our own areas of planning, compete with yourself. Xinhua News Agency ZhuangaoIn the 5th detectors prior to launch, the Indian Space Research Organisation Master 席拉达克里什 Nantes came a Hindu temple to pray and hope the successful launch, a move triggered criticism in India, Indian media reports, the 4th, the Indian Airlines The total charge came too in Tirupathi of a temple dedicated to the god Balaji here praying that the next day's launch will be successful. After the prayer, the media reporter 拉达克里什 South, said he was confident the successful launch. He said the probe will be launched next afternoon, It will be a long journey, the probe is expected to reach Mars in September next year.After the prayer, 拉达克里什 South also left another Hindu holy city nearby access to Indian media said the day was not the first time in South 拉达克里什 aerospace prelaunch gods, after almost every launches, he will be so because 拉达克里什 southern government official capacity, he was the 4th move immediately drew criticism, an Indian materialist organizations have criticized 拉达克里什 South violation of the Constitution the principle of secularism in India require Xin Geli about the dismissal of the head of the organization Nayak said, in terms of science, the identity or from government officials concerned, 拉达克里什 South not go worship, I do not know that he put a satellite replica into the temple at the foot of a statue of what scientific principles meet ...... like him in charge of a government agency, even stupid enough to believe that demand a certain gods, can ensure the successful launch. (heavenly)Since 1960 the first human to Mars since the detector, has 51 large and small probes flew to Mars, but the success rate is less than half. Successful countries or international organizations are the United States, the former Soviet Union and the European Union from the 1990s, the United States and the European Space Agency Mars most frequently conducted a total of 15 times or more exploration activities, most of the task to be successful. In the meantime, other countries are trying to launch probes, but all ended in failure in 1996, Russia launched Mars 96 detector, but due to a launch vehicle failure, the detector could not even fly out of earth's gravity range will end in failure . In 1998, Japan launched to Mars Hope spacecraft, but because of a power failure detector, failed to enter orbit around Mars. 2003, the United Kingdom joined into the fire in the ranks. Beagle 2 detector is mounted on the European Space Agency Mars Express detector. However, when the Beagle 2 success Mars Express separation, and soon will enter the Martian atmosphere, but suddenly lost contact with Earth in November 2011, the Russian probe launched to Mars Forbes soil was, however, orbit after launch failure detector. With failure, as well as mounted on the Forbes soil was on the China's first Mars probe - Firefly on the 1st full two years after India joined the ranks of Mars. India's space agency officials said, as long as they reach Mars, had been regarded as a major success. (Mochi)From 1960 to now, a total of seven countries or international organizations 52 launches Mars probe, were the United States, Russia (former Soviet Union), the European Union, the United Kingdom, Japan, China, India. Successful 21 times, the highest number of successful the United States, about 15 times.