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Heart rate too slow is howElectrocardiogram showed sinus P wave, P-wave velocity is less than 60 beats per minute, PR interval greater than 0.12 seconds.1, for people without heart uncomfortable, pulse at 5060 times / min, this sinus bradycardia more rational living, that is a normal phenomenon, do not worry will affect their health, they do not treat.2, for people with heart uncomfortable, pay attention to the number of pulse rate usually is calm, then the number of heart pulse rate when uncomfortable, if every uncomfortable when a decrease in pulse rate than usual, it means you are not comfortable bradycardia caused, in need of treatment, severe to install a pacemaker to speed up the heart rate. You can also check 24 hours ECG, heart rate of the slowest to see how much. If the speed of the heart have heart discomfort does not matter, in 5060 the pulse beats / min, then do not treat bradycardia, but need to do other tests to diagnose you are not having a heart.1, arrhythmias: is due to heart disease causes the heart to beat and pathological abnormalities present. Occur in children, youth and the elderly, middle-aged rare. Respiratory sinus Qifa Sheng mechanism is due during respiration, body vagus and sympathetic tone changes, so that occurrence of sinus node automaticity consequent periodic, regular change. Inhale increased sympathetic tone, heart rate, breath increased vagal tone, heart rate slows down. Periodic changes in heart rate exactly equal to the speed of a respiratory cycle, stop breathing rhythm into regular.2, heart rate: people of different ages, the heart rate is different, younger, faster heart rate, if the heart rate exceeds the normal range, known as rapid heart rate. Parents generally know, normal people in sports or physical labor, the heart rate will speed up. Children also is the case, in particular when frightened or crying, even more so.3, speed-type heart: Adults sinus node impulse formation rate of more than 100 beats per minute, known as rapid heart rate, the rate constant at 101,160 times per minute between. Fast heart rate, start and end time, the heart rate gradually faster and slower.4, sinusoidal fetal heart rate: electronic fetal monitoring fetal heart rate when sinusoidal fetal heart rate (Sinusoidal Fetal Heart Rate, SFHR). SFHR diagnostic criteria: (a) baseline FHR stable at 120 160 beats / min, regular fluctuations. (2) Amplitude 515 times / min. (3) frequency of 25 cycles / mino (4) Short-term variability was fixed or flat type. (5) sinusoidal wave at baseline fluctuations. (6) No normal fetal heart rate variability or reactions. (7) last 10 min or more.For patients with symptomatic bradycardia, particularly affecting the patient's quality of life, or cardiac arrest in 3 seconds or more, or had sex with a black eye, syncope should be actively treated.In acute bradycardia, except for the primary disease treatment, heart rate of the drug can be disabled, but you can use atropine, isoproterenol increased heart rate. For heart rate 40 beats per minute or slower who drugs increase heart rate effect is not obvious, especially with recurrent syncope or near syncope, patients should be placed in temporary pacemaker.Actively correcting reversible primary disease and excludes the influence of drugs, if the patient's symptoms can not be reversed bradycardia, pacemaker implantation is required.