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Idle miscellaneous thoughtSpring came after it began to busy busy. Today, suddenly idle down, all of a sudden perplexed. Is not that the long-awaited return of their own time to earn it? This part-time have sold, but did not, were tasked with making the same. Earned a lot of face time, but I do not know what to do then looked at the class website, download the reference class exam questions and the most important message today came on the annual review. This year's harvest of all, review the results of even the best can do? But if bad, maybe something bad then and then, even e-mail system off for 20 minutes, what a wonderful moment!Found himself increasingly rapid development of electronic technology boast the benefits, because more developed, people tied more tightly, the less their own space and time. Overtime will be captured anywhere! This personal time of extreme insecurity deepening distaste for work, though it is so important that, without it, even the bread did not have to work overtime this month broke records! Estimates but also to contribute to the national revenue. I work until midnight, several sub earn overtime, it is subject to interest, is really not fair to them. Moreover, it also questions whether I parents pension.