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Idle mode UE behaviorProposal Proposal 4A advertising advertising advertising creative proposal preparation, proposal ad performance strategy implementation plan proposal sponsoring advertising planning advertising planning guru meaning, characteristics and effects of advertising planning advertising content and process the basic principles of planning advertising advertising market investigation and analysis of the survey Content advertising market survey questionnaire steps constitute advertising market design market segmentation and product positioning, product positioning, market segmentation strategy planning advertising advertising budget planning creative advertising creative advertising copy first print ad creative broadcast television advertising creative advertising creative advertising creative network advertising media and channel planning advertising planning advertising promotion program implementation strategy evaluate advertising effectiveness advertising planning advertising planning book copywriting preparation techniques (1) the production and distribution of information and cultural products industry; (2) provides transmit or distribute these products as well as data or communication method in the industry; (3) processing of data in the industry. Mainly computer-based, engaged in information production, transmission, storage, processing and handling. The fourth estate is split off from the three industries belonging to knowledge, technology and information-intensive industrial sectors collectively. It includes: designing, producing computer software and services, the consulting division, microcomputer applications, fiber optics, lasers, a new genetic engineering technology department, high degree of automation, electrification departments, the information industry are independent as the fourth estate. Information industry is divided into four sectors: publishing, film and recording industries, broadcasting and communications industries, information services and data processing services industry. Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Materials Engineering Transportation Engineering Environmental Engineering Fire Engineering Communications Engineering Electronics and Information Engineering, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology Institute of Posts and Telecommunications Software Engineering Mechanical Professional Optical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Automation Marketing Information Warfare Communication Technologies Industrial Automation Information Engineering Engineering Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Safety Engineering Marine Engineering Applied Chemistry aircraft engineering seamanship Applied Physics Printing Engineering Digital Media Technology Vehicle Engineering Applied Computer Technology Flight Technology Computer Technology Computer Systems Engineering Information Systems Information Warfare Technology radio and television communications equipment engineering room engineering network optimization fiber optic cable network maintenance bionic technology marine fisheries service financial software industry high-tech bio-pharmaceutical equipment manufacturing industry, modern agriculture, environmental protection and cultural development of the marine industry, marine industry, manufacturing agricultural information service utilities Fine Chemicals translation industry bioprocess ',' comment ':' ah, the documentation is pretty good! '} >Proposal Proposal 4A advertising advertising advertising creative proposal preparation, proposal ad performance strategy implementation plan proposal sponsoring advertising planning advertising planning guru meaning, characteristics and effects of advertising planning advertising content and process the basic principles of planning advertising advertising market investigation and analysis of the survey Content advertising market survey questionnaire steps constitute advertising market design market segmentation and product positioning, product positioning, market segmentation strategy planning advertising advertising budget planning creative advertising creative advertising copy first print ad creative broadcast television advertising creative advertising creative advertising creative network advertising media and channel planning advertising planning advertising promotion program implementation strategy evaluate advertising effectiveness advertising planning advertising planning book copywriting preparation techniques (1) the production and distribution of information and cultural products industry; (2) provides transmit or distribute these products as well as data or communication method in the industry; (3) processing of data in the industry. Mainly computer-based, engaged in information production, transmission, storage, processing and handling. The fourth estate is split off from the three industries belonging to knowledge, technology and information-intensive industrial sectors collectively. It includes: designing, producing computer software and services, the consulting division, microcomputer applications, fiber optics, lasers, a new genetic engineering technology department, high degree of automation, electrification departments, the information industry are independent as the fourth estate. Information industry is divided into four sectors: publishing, film and recording industries, broadcasting and communications industries, information services and data processing services industry. Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Materials Engineering Transportation Engineering Environmental Engineering Fire Engineering Communications Engineering Electronics and Information Engineering, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology Institute of Posts and Telecommunications Software Engineering Mechanical Professional Optical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Automation Marketing Information Warfare Communication Technologies Industrial Automation Information Engineering Engineering Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Safety Engineering Marine Engineering Applied Chemistry aircraft engineering seamanship Applied Physics Printing Engineering Digital Media Technology Vehicle Engineering Applied Computer Technology Flight Technology Computer Technology Computer Systems Engineering Information Systems Information Warfare Technology radio and television communications equipment engineering room engineering network optimization fiber optic cable network maintenance bionic technology marine fisheries service financial software industry high-tech bio-pharmaceutical equipment manufacturing industry, modern agriculture, environmental protection and cultural development of the marine industry, marine industry, manufacturing agricultural information service utilities Fine Chemicals translation industry bioprocess ',' desc ':' ah, the documentation is pretty good! '} >